Weekly Update - June 26th, 2020

Hey there, Ghost Hunters!

First and foremost, the team would like to apologize for the infrequency of our Weekly Updates. The team had been hard at work creating new content and we aren’t quite ready to show off everything just yet…

However, we are happy to debut a new loadout system that we are feeling quite confident in after some initial first passes.

A glimpse at an older version of our loadout selection screen.

A glimpse at an older version of our loadout selection screen.

Our former loadout screen was a bit overcrowded and didn’t do a great job at displaying the pros/cons of selecting a Weapon, Gadget, Perk or Haunt. Thus, the team created Loadouts 2.0.

Upon selecting a Team you’ll be greeted with our new loadout screen selection, beginning with your Ghost Hunter Weapon or Ghost Ability.


The 4 separate boxes along the top display your equipped Weapon/Ability, Gadget/Haunt, Perks, and Skin (coming soon™) The selection box with an arrow displays exactly where in the Loadout selection process you are.


The 4 separate boxes along the top display your equipped Weapon/Ability, Gadget/Haunt, Perks, and Skin (coming soon™), with the highlighted item showing specifically where in the Loadout selection process you are.

Hovering over a loadout selection icon will display information about it, for example — hovering over the Phantom ability we learn that it allows us to lower our visibility to Ghost Hunters, and that it’s best use is to escape Ghost Hunters.

Along the left hand side of the screen players can also view the selected loadouts of their teammates, and watch as they update in real time. (Not yet seen in the Ghost loadout)

Our new loadout screen offers plenty of real estate for gadgets as we expand and develop new items. Players will simply be able to scroll down to view more selections if we grow beyond the 15 slots already allocated for each slot.

We are keen on ensuring the barrier to understanding how to play is very low, however the mastery of all weapons and gadgets is something only Ghost Hunter legends can dream about…

That’s it for this week, Ghost Hunters!

How do you feel about the Loadout UI update? Do the icons take up too much space? Should the icons displaying your loadout be presented vertically rather than horizontal? Be sure to let us know via our socials!
