DLSS Performance Improvements Coming to MGH January Beta

Happy New Year, Ghosts & Hunters! 👻

We’re bringing you some exciting tech news! We’ve partnered with NVIDIA to bring DLSS to Midnight Ghost Hunt.

NVIDIA DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling) is AI rendering technology that increases GPU performance. DLSS taps into the power of a deep learning neural network to boost frame rates and generate beautiful, sharp images for your games.

In Midnight Ghost Hunt, this means that you get to enjoy those sweet, sweet extra frames and take advantage of a 4K monitor (if you happen to have one lying around) yet cutting down on hardware strain at the same time!

NVIDIA Reflex dynamically reduces system latency by combining both GPU and game optimizations.

If your PC has an RTX 20 or 30 series graphics card, make sure to take advantage of it the next time you play MGH! Which reminds me… 

We’ll be having another beta test this month, so get ready! 😉
Exact timing and more details coming soon, so keep an eye on our Discord and Twitter for updates!

See you on the hunt!
