Hey there, Ghost Hunters!
This week, we concluded a VERY successful Alpha Test #3! Thank you all so much to every single one of you who supported us, showed interest, and helped us find and destroy the bugs hidden deep within our Mansion’s walls…
We were blown away by the amount of attention our post on Reddit managed to gather. If you were in our Discord, you probably managed to see a lot of the chaos! Here’s a little peak at some stats from this weekend!
Our server isn’t such a ghost town when you see these stats…
We had a WHOPPING 50k total messages sent from the date of our Alpha announcement, all the way up until we closed this last Monday. This is our biggest burst of activity ever, even when you compare Alpha #1 and #2!
Some of you may have noticed this guy hanging out in our Discord Server as well…
Have a question? Hit us up
This is our ModMail bot! When you message this Bot, you have a direct line to our entire Moderation team! We’d like to give a shoutout to some of our team members who kept up with the mass amount of messages, and influx of Alpha Tester role requests.
We had a whopping 881 tickets sent and answered by our team. Here’s a breakdown of tickets answered by our team!
Some of our Mods were busy with traveling and other IRL responsibilities and sadly didn’t get to participate in our Alpha weekend, but if you see any of our Mods talking in chat, be sure to give them a round of applause for all their work! We couldn’t have done it without you guys.