Hey there, Ghost Hunters
Welcome back to another Weekly Update.
This week, we are previewing some changes coming to the Asylum map.
A visit to the residential building will surely cure any post-treatment complications
As seen in previous weekly updates, we are working diligently on expanding each map to allow for more hiding spots.
We feel like Mansion is big enough to warrant more testing before proceeding. Now it’s time to expand Asylum to be roughly the same size.
To expand upon this map, we’ve decided to add another building entirely to the Asylum grounds. This building is across the courtyard from the main residential building.
This area will be the treatment section of the Asylum, structured more like a hospital, although less formal. There’s an operating room, a small industrial kitchen, some hallways, and more.
Ready to clean up your act.
The building has 3 entrances to the ground floor, allowing you to enter either the stairway, kitchen or common area. The 2nd floor offers a lovely view of the courtyard and opposing building.
It is also conveniently located right next to the Hunter spawn area, so if you’re a Ghost be cautious and ensure you aren’t making any noise upon their arrival.
Each of the windows also doubles as an escape. If a Hunter has you pinned, launch yourself out the window and make your escape!
Our dynamic room variations are also in the process of being handcrafted by our lovely developers.
For those who are unaware, dynamic room variations randomize props and their layouts to help ensure no game ever feels the same! You can read more about dynamic room variations here.
New secrets await discovery!
That’s it for this week, Ghost Hunters
Thanks for checking out our latest additions to Asylum! With a bigger map and better escape routes, the Ghosts may have gained the upper hand on the Hunters.
How do you feel about these changes? Do you think another building will be too hard for a team of Ghost Hunters to explore and manage? Or do you believe in yourself and your crew? We’d love to hear your thoughts!
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