Hey there, Ghost Hunters!
Welcome to another electrifying Weekly Update! This week, we’re examining a new weapon coming to the Ghost Hunters arsenal.
Almost 2 months ago, we premiered our trailer to the world at the PC Gaming Show at E3. In that trailer, some of you noticed our new primary weapon for the Ghost Hunters — the Spectral Cannon.
Who knew such a nice looking machine could be so dangerous?
The Spectral Cannon is part lawn mower, part motorcycle, part vacuum cleaner, part deadly laser cannon - and 100% dangerous!
Recently, we've moved on to prototyping other types of weapons. Our goal is to have a nice selection of varied weapons for each Hunter to choose from. Each with its own strengths and weaknesses.
This is our latest prototype.
Keep in mind, of course, that the model itself will be redesigned! But we wanted to show it off anyway.
Enter: Ghostsmasher!
Not only is it deadly, it doubles as a small light source as well. This helps after Midnight when the lights go dark.
The Ghostsmasher is a melee weapon powered by Ghost-obliterating electricity.
The Ghostsmasher was made for those of us who like to get up close and personal with our enemies. Besides, who doesn’t love walking into a room and hitting every single thing in an effort to find the last Ghost? It’s rather cathartic.
Unlike the Spectral Cannon, this device requires no battery. You can smack away to your heart’s delight. However, as a tradeoff, the range is very limited. You need to get right up to the Ghost to deal damage.
This is rather risky, of course. The further you are away from a Ghost, the less likely you’ll take a lamp to the head.
The weapon also doubles as a small torch. This can be very useful in the darkness that comes after Midnight.
Let us know what you think!
Are melee weapons cool? Do you want to smack Ghosts around with an electric stick?
Or do you think it’s lame? Let us know either way!
That’s it for this week, ghost hunters.
Thanks for checking out the latest Weekly Update! We hope these last few weeks of content are getting you excited for the upcoming Alpha test! Expect an announcement sometime this month. Keep your eyes peeled on these updates, and we shall see you on the next one.
Until next time, Ghost Hunters.
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